Over the years, our thoughts, words, and deeds have contributed, to a great extent, to shape the various facets of life in KNUST and Ghana as a whole. Our mission is to bring Katanga Alumni worldwide together, to discover the opportunities available, and get involved in helping to build and strengthen our network.
The Hall was built when Kumasi College of Technology attained University status and officially named “University Hall”.
Our executive fellows are CEOs, prominent politicians, judges, entertainers and academics in every discipline and industry.
Katanga is organised as any of the other Halls with a constitution recognising the Senior and Junior Common Rooms.
The Katanga Alumni Network has evolved rapidly with active branches currently in Ghana, USA, UK and Canada. As well as building personal and professional networks, our alumni host social events, reunions and fundraising events for the purpose of bringing fellows together, to grow and strengthen the wider Katanga community. We also support current and prospective students in varied ways to ensure continuity.